As Chairman of the ÖGfMM, the "Austrian Society for Music and Medicine (Medicine, Physiology & Psychology for musicians)" I am organizing conferences and support the network of experts in this field.
As Board Member of the Austrian University Teacher Association at the Music University of Vienna, I am supporting the academic network.
Member of the german society for music psychology. A great network !
Member of the German Association for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (DGfMM) Another great network !
As editor and extended confirmed user of the Wikipedia, I like to support this free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
As trumpet player and Board member of the B4 Bigband in Mödling I enjoy the fun of playing my instrument as amateur musician.
As member of the local support group for refugees I want to support and welcome our new neighbours with little things that may help.
As geocacher I enjoy the fun to explore the world and to stay curious to find new things, places and people I meet